NUFORC UFO Sighting 54992

Occurred: 2007-01-27 17:00 Local
Reported: 2007-01-28 13:01 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: Mountian Home, AR, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Colo

multi color ball over mt home arkansas

Well was useing the bathroom and looked out side and seen a light, normaly this light isent there. so i went out side to look. looked like a ball of light that changed colors moved side to side in a weird way and it like broke in too one peace went west while the other stayed in the same area. then it started geting brighter and dimer and flashing colors very randomly. then it just faded out completly......


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2007-02-01

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