NUFORC UFO Sighting 22449

Occurred: 2000-06-09 13:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2002-04-06 07:35 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Lynnville, IA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Left a trail, Emitted beams

It was a bold color of light gray,about 3inches across in diameter, and a flat oval shaped saucer,it made a very unusual beeping sound

It was kind of a flat,oval shaped saucer with a very small indent on both sides of it I would say it stayed for about 15-20 seconds right by our. It was a bold color of light gray. It was about 3 inches across. It made a very unusual beeping sound.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2002-04-08

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