NUFORC UFO Sighting 08739

Occurred: 1999-08-18 03:14 Local
Reported: 1999-08-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 to 15 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Sun Cove (Entiat Estates), WA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

03:14 Large triangle shape object traveling from S.S.W to N.N.E. towards chelan.

Morning of August 18,1999 I awoke at 03:00 and went out on my deck (this is at my summer cabin over at Lake Entiat) Located approx. 23 miles from wenatchee and 16 miles from chelan washington. nearest lake mark on the columbia river is called grouse rock. while watching a heat lighting storm in the distance and looking for shooting stars, my attention was attracted to a very large triangle shape object flying from the south south west toward the north north east direction toward Lake Chelan. I viewed this object for about 10 to 15 Seconds. It had what appeared to be nav. lights on all three cornors, they were as bright as the lights on other aircraft I have seen in the area. The strange thing about this object is that the lights were as wide apart as 12 to 15 normal size aircraft. I have been in the aircraft industry for 30 years as an inspector for boeing and as a forward aircontroller in the Air Force and have never seen anything like this. What helped to give shape to this object is that the sky was full of star's and as this object passed it blocked out the star's. I did not hear any noise as one would hear from an aircraft overhead on its approach into Seattle International.

Posted 1999-08-30

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