NUFORC UFO Sighting 135441

Occurred: 2011-09-15 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-07-30 12:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 5

Location: Burlington, NC, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

09/15/2011 2100 hrs 5 red lights, 3 moved to form triangle Burlington, NC.

My wife and I and our 3 children were leaving the movies. My 11 year old son called attention to 5 red lights in the sky. They were each evenly spaced and formed a perfect 45 degree angle. They were very bright and much bigger than any star in the night sky. I told him they could be flares. Then I turned back to talk with my wife. He said "dad, can flares do that?" I looked back up and could not believe what we were witnessing. Let's say the red lights were numbered 1 through 5, with 1 being the one on top. Number 2 was moving independently horizontally to the west and stopped exactly opposite of where it had been in relation to number 1. Then number 3 moved up to where number 2 had been. So now number 1, 2 and 3 have formed a perfect symmetrical triangle. Numbers 4 and 5 never moved. The triangle started slowly moving to the west. We noticed that when it passed over a star that the light from the star disappeared. And as it kept moving the star reappeared. As if the triangle had mass or something was going on in the middle that masked the light. It eventually stopped and all 3 lights went out at the same time. We quickly looked back and 4 and 5 were still just sitting there. I'm using the tree line, even though they were much higher, as a reference. One of the lights reappeared way up high in the north west part of the sky. In a blink of the eye it went back to position 3. Not like a red streak. But it just went from one spot to another. Then in the lower north west sky another light appeared. It too in the blink of an eye went to number 2's position. Now there are 4 red lights forming the 45 degree angle. The 5th light never came back. One by one in no particular order they went out.

My children were a little upset, thinking aliens were coming. But I reassured them that we know God made our universe and everything in it. And we should feel good that God let us see something so special that He made.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. It is unclear to us whether the date of the sighting was August 15, or September 15. The witness indicates both months above. PD

Posted 2017-08-04

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