NUFORC UFO Sighting 120406

Occurred: 2015-07-15 07:15 Local
Reported: 2015-07-15 05:33 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Greensboro, NC, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

UFO meanders through the morning sky followed by a military plane.

I was outside on my deck this morning and observed a craft approaching from the west, high altitude. A plane going in the opposite direction gave me some perspective on the craft's speed. It was traveling very slowly, and did not travel in a straight line, but rather seemed to meander. It came into my view traveling due East, then as I watched changes to SE and then changed to NE and traveled over my house and out of view.

About 3 or 4 minutes later a military plane flying fairly low passed over going NW. The craft I saw appeared to be spherical. There was no sound or vapor trail. Maybe it was a drone? But how high do drones fly? And is it a coincidence that a military plane appeared a few minutes later headed in the general direction I saw the craft headed?

Posted 2015-07-17

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