NUFORC UFO Sighting 117523

Occurred: 2015-02-28 20:00 Local
Reported: 2015-02-28 21:04 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Goldsboro, NC, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Silent, slow-moving object, pulsating orange and white.

I saw an unidentified object on the evening of Sunday (sic. Saturday), February 28, 2015, in the sky over the Rosewood Community west of Goldsboro, NC. Estimated position was Latitude: 35.3732178, Longitude: -78.0755461. Night was cold (~40 degrees) and partly cloudy.

My son also saw the object and agreed that he wasn’t familiar with it. By the time I got binoculars, the object was obscured by trees, so I never got a closer look.

The object consisted of three lights: two small white lights that flickered rapidly, and a larger orange, or amber, light that pulsated. I could not make out a shape, just lights. The object moved very slowly from northeast to southwest. At times, I wasn't sure it was moving at all. I kept checking it against fixed stars.

It seemed to be moving too slowly to be a conventional aircraft. It also made no sound. We saw other aircraft in the air at the same time, but they were obviously conventional aircraft. The UFO was not.

Given our proximity to an Air Force base, I suppose it could have been some type of unconventional aircraft, but I’ve not seen one like it before. Perhaps it was very, very high, and that’s why it seemed to be moving so slowly and silently.

I HAVE seen some kind of experimental aircraft in our skies before. I’ve seen the glow from jet engines suddenly wink out and the planes go both black and completely silent at night. I assume it’s some kind of new propulsion system. I asked somebody who has connections with the base if they fly test flights at night and he just smiled knowingly and said, “No comment.” So who knows.

I am 50ish, male, well-educated, and reasonably sane. My son is a teenager. Both of us have good vision and are somewhat skeptical about paranormal stuff.

Posted 2015-03-06

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