NUFORC UFO Sighting 109366

Occurred: 2014-05-13 05:03 Local
Reported: 2014-05-13 02:51 Pacific
Duration: 3 seconds

Location: Louisburg, NC, USA

Shape: Circle

Bright white UFO the size of a large star moves then disappears.

At 05:03 on 05/03/14 I woke, and went outside to walk my dogs. I always watch the skies, and this morning the skies were clear.

I looked straight up, and a bright white UFO appeared. It was the size of a large star, and brighter than any of the other stars around it.

It appeared then moved across the sky slowly from north to south, and then disappeared.

There were no aircraft in the area, and it made no sound.


Flare from Iridium satellite? PD

Posted 2014-06-04

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