NUFORC UFO Sighting 90198

Occurred: 2012-05-08 20:50 Local
Reported: 2012-06-28 15:31 Pacific
Duration: 4 minutes

Location: Carolina Beach, NC, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects

3 fireballs observed above the ocean at Carolina Beach, NC

Full Sighting Description Descriptions of the objects: The objects emitted a red ball of light (“fireball”) at the center surrounded by a red-magenta translucent aura outlined in gold. The objects at no point in time made any sound whatsoever. The objects were located above the ocean approximately 2 o’clock with respect to the horizon. The visibility that night was clear with a backdrop of clouds and stars. The objects appeared to emit/disappear into the clouds themselves as though they were integrating themselves into the clouds when they turned on or off.


1) First minute of viewing: I observed one fireball stationary in the sky hovering for about 15 seconds appearing as one fireball. During this time the fireball appeared to morph into a brighter red color giving birth to another fireball directly to the left of the first one creating two fireballs. The second fireball morphed/gave birth to the third fireball. The term gave birth to can best be described as originating from the first, then the second, and the second making the third. For a total of three fireballs lined up horizontally.

2) Second minute of viewing: The three horizontal fireballs drifted into the 12 o’clock position in the sky, the other off to 3 o’clock, and the third moved up to 9 o’clock position. The three fireballs repositioned themselves again and appeared in higher or lower positioning moving at a med-slow speed several more times staying in approximately the same area of the clouds but with different formations. Then, the fireballs were observed to become integrated/dispersed into the clouds themselves as they disappeared into the backdrop of the clouds.

3) Third minute of viewing: The three fireballs came back on in completely different positions in the sky one at 10 o clock, the other at 5 o’ clock, and the other 11 o’clock. The objects appeared to move up/down/side-to-side repositioning themselves in the clouds and looking as though they became absorbed by the clouds themselves.

4) Forth minute of viewing: After the lights went off they came back on within the span of about 2 seconds. The three fireballs were located in completely different locations (with respect to before). The objects appeared to move up/down/side-to-side repositioning themselves in the clouds before going off for the final time.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2012-07-04

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