NUFORC UFO Sighting 24434

Occurred: 2002-08-13 23:20 Local
Reported: 2002-08-13 21:37 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Shape: Light

A bright star like object that began to move in a slow dive and disappeared.

I was stargazing and noticed a "star" (it was the same size, shape, and was illuminated like any star) diving straight down in a northeast direction. It moved slowly and deliberately and was the same size as other recognizable stars such as those in the Big Dipper formation. It moved toward the horizon and disappeared. I've never witnessed a UFO before but now I know there are unexplainable objects in the sky. Anyone who saw it would agree!

Posted 2002-08-16

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