NUFORC Reports for Country 'Northern Mariana Islands'
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 01/20/2025 18:50 | Saipan | Saipan | Northern Mariana Islands | Orb | Shortly after sunset, I was stargazing & saw a green orb, unmoving, then it turned red & went west then south towards horizon/houses. | 01/21/2025 | Drone? | |
Open | 01/28/2025 18:50 | Saipan | Saipan | Northern Mariana Islands | Triangle | After seeing the ISS, we noticed, going the opposite was triangular craft, with 3 red lights at each point, one of what was blinking | 01/28/2025 | ||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |