NUFORC Reports for Country 'North Macedonia'
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |
Open | 11/19/2024 16:10 | Kumanovë | Komuna e Kumanovës | North Macedonia | Unknown | Floating U shaped Ufo | 11/19/2024 | Y | |
Open | 01/06/2023 18:00 | Shtip | Municipality of Štip | North Macedonia | Formation | I was getting ready to sit down for the badnik dinner, an orthodox tradition and i stood at my kitchen window looking at the sky. | 11/21/2024 | ||
Open | 12/17/2024 19:32 | Gostivar | Municipality of Gostivar | North Macedonia | Other | It was a plane in the middle of the sky or so i thought then it did a big turn and shot a light both went separate ways | 12/17/2024 | ||
Link | Occurred | City | State | Country | Shape | Summary | Reported | Media | Explanation |