NUFORC UFO Sighting 96770
Occurred: 1969-06-01 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2013-03-24 09:37 Pacific
Duration: 6 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: HWY 77 (along King Ranch), TX, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
White Lights Following Vehicle Along HWY 77
My mother told of a strange incident she experienced on the way back from Raymondville, Tx to Bishop one night.
As she traveled north along HWY 77, she noticed several rows of lights coming low over King Ranch and traveling along side her.
Frightened by the eerie lights, she tried to speed up, but they stayed with her no matter how she adjusted her speed. After maybe 5-6 minutes, they zipped off so quickly, she didn't see exactly where they went.
My mom has passed on, but she told me this story right after it happened in 1969, I think. She never talked about it much, as she was very religious, and wasn't prone to believe in aliens and UFO's, but I had her repeat the story to me shortly before she died.
Witness indicates that the date is approximate. PD
Posted 2013-04-12
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