NUFORC UFO Sighting 9655
Occurred: 1999-09-10 13:35 LocalReported: 1999-09-10 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Fair Oaks/Sacramento, CA, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Saw a pearly white craft - cylinder in shape with a silver belly the whole length of craft. Flying from west to east, clear skys. Just disappeared.
I was traveling down a street called Sunrise from the North heading south and saw this craft that was a pearly white top with no markings I could see just disappear. It was traveling from west to east. Being a skywatcher of chemtrails, etc. I note all in the sky and I was just slowly driving south and watching this craft when suddenly it disappeared. There were no clouds for it to fly into as all the sky was clear, not ocean blue, by clear of any clouds or chemtrails. - It JUST DISAPPEARED. I drove into a parking lot and tried to find it further east as if it would come out of a cloud, but it was nowhere to be found in any direction. ;IT JUST DISAPPEARED...... There was no sound I was aware of, or any of the things listed below. I watched the sky for a minute or two, there were no other crafts around.
Posted 1999-09-12
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