NUFORC UFO Sighting 96250

Occurred: 2013-02-07 10:30 Local
Reported: 2013-02-08 17:05 Pacific
Duration: ~90 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: San Carlos (Mexico), , Mexico

Shape: Oval

On the beach in Mexico I saw a flat oval shaped bright shiny UFO high in the sky which hovered, turned and disappeard after 90 seconds.

My friend and I were sitting on the beach at approximately 10:30 am. My friend said...what is that up there? I looked and we both saw a shiny object that was like a flat oval. It was hovering just under the sun rays.

We watched for approximately a minute or more and told my friend's husband to look..he couldn't see because a shade tent was blocking his view. When he stood up to look the object made a dip or turn to the left and went straight up and disappeared.

My friend practices family law. I am a real estate agent. My friend's husband is a contract lawyer.

There was no plausible explanation for what we saw other than it was an unidentified flying object. It was high in the sky and could not have been a relflection of anything.

Posted 2013-02-18

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