NUFORC UFO Sighting 94987

Occurred: 2012-12-05 06:00 Local
Reported: 2012-12-05 17:14 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Salina, KS, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail

fast moving object that stops instantly with flashing lights

At exactly 6am (because my grandfather clock was chiming) December 5, I stood on my front porch at eye level looking east. 2 shooting stars appeared to shoot in roughly the same location.

I continued to look because that seemed very rare. In that general location there was what appeared to be another star.

6:02 Suddenly it got twice as bright an appeared to get at least twice its normal size. I was able to compare its size it was close to the brightest star in the east.

It darted up from 4 o’clock to 11 o’clock track. It had a trail like a shooting star. It went a distance then bright light went out an it went back to normal size an normal brightness compared to a star an stopped.

6:05 After it stopped I could now see a red haze on it along with the white light. It began to move around like hovering in a circle motion counter clock wise.

6:10 I walked backed into my house to get phone and take a pic. I was away from watching for maybe 10sec.

When I came back out it had now went into the tree line of my sight. I walked off my porch 15 feet to the north to get a better view around trees and houses.

6:13 I could not focus on anything to grainy and blurry.

There is a water tower 1 mile away that has a red light on top of it.

The object now had 2 flashing white lights on it. 1 on the right and 1 on the left. In the center was 1 single red light. They all began to flash.

The outside lights would flash then the center light. It appeared to be moving towards me coming west behind the trees. Its lights were very clear an sharp compared to the light on the water tower.

My first thought was its coming back to go to the airport which is 2 miles west of me.

6:15 It came within a distance then appeared to back up and go back to the west never rising.

I could still see it as it was going back west never rising again. I lost sight of it through the houses an trees.

6:20 The lights were clearer on it compared to the light on the water tower. I could tell there was a distance between the outside lights compared to the middle light. It must have been long to see each light separately.

I never heard a sound from it.

I have a lot of land marks to measure height in the sky to distance it traveled. I base this on the houses and the trees.

Posted 2012-12-20

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