NUFORC UFO Sighting 94976
Occurred: 2012-12-04 23:50 LocalReported: 2012-12-05 05:39 Pacific
Duration: 14 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Jeffersonville, IN, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby
5 decent sized "UFOs" rotating shining bright
Me and a buddy of mine walked outside looking towards the Louisville skyline from Jeffersonville, IN, when we noticed something strange in the sky. The aircraft looked to be a huge star at first until I noticed it was rotating counterclockwise with 5 different lights shining bright.
As the "UFO" starts to move more towards Louisville another aircraft appeared from a distance. The 2 "UFO" began to go up and down and side tot side in a very smooth motion. There were other aircraft flying overhead of this arriving and departing from Louisville International Airport.
I lost sight of the "UFOs" at 11:57pm after they had crossed the Ohio River to only show them selfs 4mins later with 3more "UFOs" before speeding away.
I checked Louisville International Airport's flight reports which showed a UPS plane had problems and had to do an emergency landing from "...the smell of fumes on the aircraft."
Posted 2012-12-20
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