NUFORC UFO Sighting 92172

Occurred: 1986-08-08 01:30 Local
Reported: 2012-08-26 10:22 Pacific
Duration: 1min 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Girard, OH, USA

Shape: Fireball

Two Fiery Orbs Flown Over The House Tops From South to North

My neighbor noticed a fiery object flying over the house tops towards our direction as I was getting out of my car. As he told to me look at it I asked if it were the International Space Station but we noticed it was too low and another one was coming behind it. The objects were a reddish-orange color and looked like two fireballs. Both objects were coming from the south and going towards the north. They did not hover or fall from the sky but were flying in a direct path. We watched them both continue to fly until they disappeared behind the houses.

Posted 2012-09-24

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