NUFORC UFO Sighting 91845
Occurred: 2012-08-12 19:30 LocalReported: 2012-08-15 13:20 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Niland, CA, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
Fireball in the sky with small craft and missing time
I live in a small camper, off grid, in the southern California desert. I was outside last night 08-14-2012 (I thought) around 7:30PM. I sensed something in the sky, looked up and a few seconds later I saw a large bright fireball appear and move upwards. There was no visible craft near the fireball. The fireball left a single (short) very bright trail which then split into two separate trails and recombined back into one. The trails were intermittent (visible then not visible). After the trail stopped, a very small craft (in relation to the trails) appeared by itself with a violet aura around it. It was there for a for a few seconds then disappeared (did not appear to move off, just disappeared). The trail began again farther up (but with no visible craft). It is difficult to judge what the size of the craft was because of the distance it was from me. There was no sound noticeable at any time. Total time of event was a little over one minute.
I thought this happened last night (08-14-2012). However, when I went to place the date/time stamp on the images, the date said 08-12-2012. I checked the camera and the date/time is correct. I cannot account for the time differential. I do have memories of the last few days. However, when I try to remember specifics about that time, my memories are incomplete/jumbled. This has happened quite a few times before. Usually it’s almost impossible to reconcile such time inconsistencies unless there is some type of anomaly that occurs (in this case photos with a time/date stamp, or a receipt, a specific event or some other type of evidence that can be used as an anchor point to help account for any missing time). Photos are being emailed separately.
Posted 2012-08-19
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