NUFORC UFO Sighting 89074
Occurred: 2012-05-19 22:00 LocalReported: 2012-05-20 10:59 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Rockport, MA, USA
Shape: Light
Many red lights over downtown Rockport, MA coming from the western sky hovering in the northern sky
I live very near downtown Rockport.
I was going up to bed around 10pm on Saturday May 19, 2012 when I noticed (through a window) what appeared to be some planes flying in formation. I went out to my porch for a better look and was shocked to see a line of 7 or 8 red lights (about the size and brightness of Venus- only red) going from the West quadrant of the sky to the North quadrant of the sky. It was taking each of them about 20 or 30 seconds to go from due West to due North. Once they got to due North the red lights would just hover in one place, which confirmed that they weren't airplanes. Naturally, I assumed they were helicopters, but I couldn't hear anything and they just kept coming and coming from some point in the western sky to this area in the Northern sky where they would sit stationary in a cluster. After about 10-20 seconds of not moving, each red light would just go out, but then more would come to take their place. The cluster of stationary red lights never got bigger than 5 or 6 lights ! hovering together at a time.
In the 15 minutes this whole thing was going on I probably watched 25-30 red lights make this silent migration. It was most bizarre thing I've ever seen in the sky. Yet there was nothing about it that required supernatural powers. It could have been done helicopters. But it sure didn't _seem_ like it was done by helicopters, and anyways, who would bother to do such a thing? One thing's for sure: it was definitely a spectacle and other people in downtown Rockport must have seen it.
Posted 2012-05-29
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