NUFORC UFO Sighting 89034
Occurred: 2012-05-08 13:50 LocalReported: 2012-05-18 23:55 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Shape: Sphere
A metallic sphere seen below the airplane while taking off from the Phoenix airport on a commercial flight.
I wanted to share my experience with an online community other than friends. I'm a frequent airline traveler, always at a window seat. About a minute after take-off from Phoenix airport, about 1500 ft AGL, I was looking out the window and saw a perfectly round, metallic(shiny) sphere below our plane, moving perpendicular to our flight path. The sphere was possibly 500 feet below and moving probably close to our speed. It was hard to figure out the size, but it was moving quickly and in a perfectly straight line. This was not like any aircraft that I've ever seen in the sky or have heard about. Basically a large shiny ball bearing soaring through the sky. No trails or hazes... It was a perfectly sunny day with no clouds and calm sky's.
Posted 2012-05-29
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