NUFORC UFO Sighting 86729

Occurred: 1988-04-30 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2012-01-20 17:27 Pacific
No of observers: 2

Location: Lincoln, MO, USA

Shape: Circle

seen a craft, lots details; windows panels etc.

Hello, incident occurred in the spring of 1988 (we were married in the fall) I had gotten out of the Marine Corps (January of 1988) we were out in a field in my pickup, I don’t remember when we first seen the object but we watched as it came closer it was HUGE, you could see details panels / sections & lots of windows (not a lot unlike a cruise ship) at one point I got out & just watched in awe of what was happening , I don’t know if awe is right word because there was no panic, no fear, perhaps wonder is the better word, I watched the windows hoping to see someone in there but never did, You could make out corridors / halls inside I said it was huge so big I couldn’t make out a shape, round maybe the best description, didn’t glow but was bright sort of like a full moon, (It was close right above us) Anyway we watched it for a while I don’t remember how long we were there but finally we decided to leave didn’t drive far before we looked & it was gone (didn’t see it leave) We got back to Lincoln (3-4 mile away) no one was around I took ((woman's name deleted)) home to her mother’s we never told anyone or talked of what happened (except next day, radio said there was an active Meteor shower the night before) wife & I just shook our heads looked at each other said it was no Meteor shower then never talked about it again for like 15 or more yrs.

That’s what is strange no Panic or fear & no feeling of a need to tell anyone Now believe us or not, we don’t do drugs (drink moderately)we are not nut cases, Both are professionals in the community,


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2012-01-24

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