NUFORC UFO Sighting 84657

Occurred: 1969-06-25 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-10-20 11:09 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Moline, IL, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Landed

True Stories of UFO'S 1968 LIGHT & 2ND STORY UFO WAS DULL SILVER IN COLOR IN 1977, 1978,1979

(Me )my brother, & my brothers two friends across the street from us were out at night, I looked up and said thats not a star, it wiggles back & forth and turns its light out then on,my brothers friend (can't say his name) he says na...his brother he laughs, soon it came down to us, then it flew fast towards the Jr. High School there in Moline, we lived on 16street in Moline, Illinois, the craft headed toward the school, we ran toward it, then we headed back home down the sidewalk, all the sudden it chased us everyone got away except me the OFO stopped me in running action, it also shined a blue light on me, I could not move my body, all I could move was my head and my kneck.

I looked up to the right side of me I saw a door come open, and a being come down out of it, then my mind went blank, then all the sudden tilted forward in the same position in running action I was released and I ran down the sidewalk toward home, it nearly caught me again, which baffles me I wondered why again ? I ran as fast as I could threw the alley way, I finailly got home, and my sister said to me:"where the hell where you" ? I said I just got home a UFO chased me she said "yhou were gone for hours !!! Years later I dated an older fella and his brother was writing true stories on UFO ENCOUNTERS and his brother logged my name in his book, yrs later I went to read the book at the library, and the Librairian says to me this > "oh honey they pulled all those government books off of the shelves a long time ago.

I use to have the book but as the years passed it somehow got lost.

Then in 1979 I had another UFO EXPERIENCE this UFO landed in on my parents field and the Alien came out & spoke to me, it was Silver in color, a dull Silver, I had a very long conversation with the Alein that came out of the UFO but beins I am hopfull to find Steven Spielburg to turn my story my 2nd story into a MOVIE I will NOT share this last story here on this page with anyone, pictures of the grass was taken, I know who they are now, & I know where they all come from now, and I know why they come here, and that UFO still comes back to this day, I plan on getting a recorded conversation from it someday soon, please pray things go smooth.


Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2011-10-25

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