NUFORC UFO Sighting 82138
Occurred: 2011-07-04 01:50 LocalReported: 2011-07-04 13:46 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Cleveland, OH, USA
Shape: Fireball
Fireball like object flying east to west along shoreline near downtown Cleveland
I am an EMS helicopter pilot in the Cleveland Ohio area with a two nurse crew this morning. We had just dropped off a patient on the rooftop helipad of a hospital three miles east of downtown Cleveland and were preparing to depart for base when all three of us witnessed a "fireball like" object.
At approximately 1:50 AM, July 4th, 201, I was preparing for engine start when I observed this fireball like circular object flying from east to west just north of our position. It appeared closest when I first saw it. This is an area of intense air traffic so it took a second look to determine it did not look like an airplane. At this particular time of morning there were no other aircraft seen.
I immediately jumped out of the cockpit and went back to the crew loading our equipment and told them check this out. All three of us watched the object fly over the shoreline at approximately 3000 to 4000 ft. Maybe a speed of 150kts at least. We tried to determine if it was an airliner as this is the same area they fly on their approach to Cleveland Hopkins airport. However there were no position lights and no strobes.
We could not see any structure except for the roundness and color. It was a yellow golden sphere with red on the sides (See drawing). The bright red seemed to have the characteristic of fire or vertical flames but was not flames. It was not underneath only on the sides with a little on the top. It was like red electrical fire. It did not look like jet propulsion.
I am not an artist but I did attempt to draw what I saw and that is included here. I would estimate a fairly good sized object, at least 10-20 feet across. It flew east to west over the shoreline. As it approached downtown proper it turned northwest and departed out over the lake at a constant altitude and airspeed.
One of two excellent reports from this source. To read the other, go to the reports for the morning of March 09, 2010, and read the report from Middlefield, OH. PD
Posted 2011-07-06
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