NUFORC UFO Sighting 82055

Occurred: 2011-07-01 21:58 Local
Reported: 2011-07-01 19:21 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Bright as a star moving steadily across the sky then rose in altitude and vanished.

At 9:58 pm tonight, July 1st, 2011, we were sitting on our deck looking up at the stars and noticed something unusual.

The sky is clear, no lights on the outside of our house are on and two of the three sides of our backyard are trees, so the stars are more visible than any a heavily populated area.

A bright light similar in color to the brightest stars was moving silently, faster than a commercial airliners and (we see planes with the flashing lights all the time) lower than commercial airliners across the sky in straight path.

I stood up to watch this unknown object silently raise in altitude and the light faded and was gone before the horizon. This even lasted between one and two minutes. I was overcome by goosebumps over what we had both witnessed.

Prior to seeing it "vanish" I made a comment to my girlfriend ahh it's probably a government drone, who knows if it was that, a secret military plane or an alien aircraft.

Two things are in my mind indisputable, it was not a civilian or commercial aircraft, nor was it a meteor due to it's altitude, extremely bright light, speed and lack of flashing lights. What was it?!?!?!


ISS over-flight at 21:57 hrs. PD

Posted 2011-07-04

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