NUFORC UFO Sighting 81534
Occurred: 2011-04-17 20:00 LocalReported: 2011-05-27 07:55 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec
No of observers: 1
Location: Hendersonville, NC, USA
Shape: Circle
Bright white light very low altitude
On Sunday 4/17/11, I heard loud airplane noises outside, so I went onto my deck to see what it was. It was 8pm, starting to get dark, the stars were just beginning to shine, and I saw no planes.
I panned the sky and noticed a very bright white light, flying low, slowly, to my southeast (back over my home.) The deck faces NW. The light was purposefully ambling along about several hundred feet above treetop level, and only 250 ft south from my position. I was sure it was no regular flying object, as all I saw was the light. I observed it for 10 seconds and it traveled to the horizon and was obscured by trees.
I am reporting to confirm two previous reports from NC of the same object. I believe the object was headed to the NE as I lost sight of it.
Also I live about 8-10 miles south of Asheville airport, and I don't think the noises that I heard at first were related to the object I saw, it seemed silent the whole time I observed it.
Posted 2011-05-29
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