NUFORC UFO Sighting 79931

Occurred: 1964-07-12 12:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-02-04 17:37 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Drew, OR, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

Date/Time 07/1964
City: Drew State: Oregon
Shape Silver(Metallic) Disc
Duration 30 min
Summary object hovered above work location .

The Summer of 1964 I was working with a geophysicist checking the ground for mineral deposits by sending electro magnetic transmisions through the ground from a power generator.. Myself and a co-worker was taking our lunch break when i noticed this silver looking object coming towards us i thought at first it was a weather baloon.

The object hovered approximately 500ft above us it was a silver (metallic) in colour it also had a dome. We yelled for help but no one heard us..

Finally the object started moving north from our location at a high rate of speed i have never seen anything move as fast as this object moved..

But this sighting was not over we no longer settled down and we saw the UFO again this time it was flying above the cockpit of a airliner i don't think the pilot even new this object was above him. The UFO followed the airliner to about the same location where it left the first time and it was gone at a high rate of speed..

I really believe we were making contact with this UFO through our electro magnetic transmissions.

I would take a polygraph test to prove what i witnessed that day...


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2011-02-08

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