NUFORC UFO Sighting 79041

Occurred: 1968-08-12 17:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2010-11-25 09:21 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 6

Location: Morro Bay, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Five lighted craft in formation investigating Morro Bay electric generating plant. Six witnesses.

I am not sure of the exact date or time but it was in the summer of 1968 and in the early evening/late afternoon.

My friends and I were driving up Perfumo Canyon Road to visit friends who lived on top of the mountain. Perfumo Canyon Road begins in San Luis Obispo and winds up the mountain until it reaches the top, then it descends downward on the other side to near Avila Beach, California. At the time of the sighting there were only two residences at the top of the mountain. My friends had no electricity but had a gas water heater and a windmill.

At certain points in the drive, which is made up of hairpin turns and sharp angles, one can get a view of the coastline stretching north from the point of Cayucos California to Grover City in the south. At the point where we saw these craft we had a view with Morro Bay and the towers of the electricity generating plant almost directly in the middle of our view.

What we saw were five lights. They were at a considerable distance and no shape could be discerned. This happened during the early evening and the light can only be described as bright yellowish. We all saw the lights and were quite shocked and immediately stopped the car. One of our members was so excited that he actually pushed down on the handle of the car, I think we were in my 1955 Buick, but can't remember. Anyway, he fell out of the car.

The five lights were in an obvious formation, three were in an absolutely straight line, waiting on the other two. One was directly over the Morro Bay power plant, the other was headed in a downward direction. We got the impression that they were either refueling using energy from the plant or were curious and were taking samples. We watched them for a while and then got our friend back into the car and proceeded up the mountain. When our car came around the sharp hairpin turn they must have seen our lights because the two that were down by the plant immediately zoomed up to the other three and in a perfect line they left the earth in a parabolic curve. They vanished in a matter of seconds at an incredible rate of speed and obviously did not want to be seen.

We were all very young at this point in time but all credible. We all saw the same thing.

Posted 2011-01-05

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