NUFORC UFO Sighting 78441

Occurred: 2010-10-16 18:00 Local
Reported: 2010-10-18 09:00 Pacific
Duration: 10min
No of observers: 3

Location: Greeley, CO, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

round metal ball haning north west of Greeley

Saturday October 16th, about 6PM Greeley, Colorado My daughter came in yelling for me to come outside there is a UFO. I went outside and sure enough there was an object in the sky, it looked metallic it was a little too far to see any definition of the object. The unidentified object stayed in one place, no noise was heard and it did not move at all. I went inside to get my binoculars to get a closer look, unfortunately, I was unable to locate the object. But I could still see it will out the binoculars. So, next I moved up so I was not standing in front of the apartment complex looking silly. By the time I moved up the object was no where in sight and I could see most of the sky, and it only took 5 seconds to reposition my self.

It was starting to turn dark right after it left so I went into my house. Well, after making a few phone calls to tell people what I had seen, I went back outside (about 20 min after the object left) to see if there was a light or anything else. The Unidentified object was definitely gone. However, I did notice planes coming at a high speed from the south, which is the same direction that Buckley Air Force Base is located. There were about 10 of them and they flew directly to the location where the unidentified object was. After the planes flew over I noticed that about 5 of them were circling the exact area that the unidentified object was. They soon left the area, and there was no more action that night.

I did try to take everything into consideration, especially the fact that it was the anniversary of the balloon UFO. But I could have seen a balloon moving across the sky. It could have been moving away from me but I would have still been able to see it after moving to another position. Also, in the year that I have lived in Greeley there has never been an airplane fly directly over our apartments and definitely not 10 planes at high speed.

Thank you

Posted 2010-11-21

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