NUFORC UFO Sighting 76816

Occurred: 1979-01-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2010-07-27 15:23 Pacific
Duration: 20 - 25 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Clines Corners/Tijeras (between), NM, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

25 minute event of a Triangle shaped object seen by many on Interstate 40 in New Mexico, between Clines Corner and Tijera,New Mexico

In January of 1979, my family and I were driving home to Albuquerque from a cross country trip from Massachusetts after the Christmas Season. We had stopped in Tucumcari for a family bathroom and stretching break; this had been a 2000+ mile journey and we were on day 5, the home stretch.

It was still light out and the sun was preparing to set in the hour when we left Tucumcari; the only thing unusual observed in the sky was multiple "Morning Glory" cloud formations that we passed under, on route 40. This in itself was unusual because "Morning Glories" are very rare.

As it grew dark on the long stretch of road called Interstate 40, which cuts through from the boarder of the Pan Handle of Texas; straight through to Albuquerque, a 217 mile 3+ hour journey, at 9 years old you wonder if this trip is ever going to end.

I can only approximate the time as being about 8:00pm when somewhere between Clines Corner, New Mexico and Tijeras, New Mexico on Interstate Route 40 an event that was observed by all 4 members of my family that we will never forget.

Off in the distance a tower with anti-collision lights could be observed, it was on the left hand side of the road; it must have been a large tower because, the outline obscured in the darkness was visible from quite a ways away.

But there was something peculiar about this tower, above it was what appeared to be 3 spinning flashing lights; which when viewed at a distance were not attached to the tower.

My mother then asked my father: " __________ is that a Helicopter?" My father answered: "Maybe, but, My Mother:” But What???” My Father:” I don’t know ____________ , ,,,,, its too windy,,,, I don’t now what it is..” As we drew closer to the tower, (possibly a weather or communication station, no cell towers back then) we observed 1 or 2 smaller structures under the tower from a distance; and an unidentified air craft maintaining distance above the tower itself.

At this point we were still a ways away from the tower station, but we could notice that this object was spinning; the approximate spin was about 90° per second or one complete revolution per 4 seconds.

As we drew closer to the object we could see a distinct triangular form, which was in my estimation at least 100 feet across. It was at this point that this object began to gain altitude and loose altitude like a bounce on a trampoline.

This increase and decrease in elevation was effortless and smooth, and at first it was in increments of maybe 20 feet; vertical up and down on the top part of the tower, and at no time did this object stop spinning.

On this particular stretch of road it was very windy, the sheer alone was blowing tractor trailer trucks all over the road; but this object displayed no lateral vectoring what so ever, every time it raised in elevation or lost elevation the object did so in a straight ballistic line. (My father’s last duty in the Navy was a chopper trainer, he said that it was impossible for a helicopter to maintain position like that in those winds and not experience severe lateral vectoring) The closer we drew to the object the more distinct it became, the object then moved slightly away from the tower and stopped in the center of the tower –yard; at this point the object began to bounce gracefully in approximately 50 foot drops and 50 accessions, all the time still spinning.

My mother tried to take some pictures of the object but as far as I know they never came out.

It was now clear to my parents and I that this was no helicopter. My father and mother opened their windows, in order to try to here if the sound of a copter was present, but the only sound heard was road noise; and at this distance, if it was a helicopter one would have been able to hear the roar.

As we were passing the tower station, the object leisurely and effortlessly moved and began to follow the highway; particularly our white suburban truck. At this point, my mother began to flip out, and begged my father to get off the highway, but we just kept driving.

This is where the events of this night become weird, as we were driving the craft took up position above our truck and started to flash bright, and I mean bright flashes of directed light into our vehicle, particularly at me. They were brighter than any police or emergency vehicle or anti -collision light I have ever seen.

First flashes of: yellow, than flashes of red, than blue, than green, than blue than red, than green and finally blue.

After a while the object flew slowly away east bound in to the sky and out of sight straight up.

This whole event from start to finish lasted from 20 to 25 minutes; I have tried using Google Earth to locate the precise location of where this event occurred, but much of the topography there has changed since I was a kid.

What has bothered me over the years is that there were other witness to this event on that stretch of interstate 40 that night; none as far as I know, have ever reported this event.

My current vocation is a Licensed and soon to be Ordained Pastor, there is a big risk for me to even speak out these events, but they must be told.

This was not the only experience my family and I had in New Mexico; there was another one, just as weird.

Posted 2010-07-28

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