NUFORC UFO Sighting 75780
Occurred: 1964-11-15 22:00 LocalReported: 2010-06-13 16:35 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Memphis, TN, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
The Moon of Memphis looks simular to the white full moon in size and brightness but rises to be a star.
In my backyard at 10pm mid-november 1964, I looked up and saw the bright white full moon but it had uniform whiteness and still bright enough to cast a shadow.
I looked around and saw the orange real moon rising over my neighbor house in the east. I stared at the object the size of the full moon above me for several minutes while it hovered above me.
It started a rapid ascent in the sky looking like a small moon then a brilliant bright star and then dim star until it disappeared from view.
Later analysis suggest that the object was at twenty thousand feet and was about ten acres in size. I call the object the "Moon of Memphis" since I witness this object over the community of Frayser in Memphis, Tennessee. The backyard that I witness this event was ((deleted)) St.
I was a ((deleted--aviator)) in the USAF and an intellegence officer in the ((deleted--military)). This object had religious implication since it appeared in 1964 because A through Z connected with 1 through 26 is a code! which decodes the word Israel to sixty four.
I believe it appeared so we would be more kind to every animal and give anathesia to animals before killing them to show more reverent to them and God.
We do not understand the allusion to Israel or anesthesia. Date may be approximate, although the witness does not indicate that fact. PD
Posted 2010-06-23
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