NUFORC UFO Sighting 75516
Occurred: 2010-05-22 22:28 LocalReported: 2010-05-23 08:15 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 5
Location: Mansfield (UK/England), , United Kingdom
Shape: Fireball
5+ fiery balls moving at high speed with direction changes.
Tonight in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England (at approx 22:28) we observed what started of as 2 fiery balls in the sky moving up from behind the house behind my sisters this then changed to 3, and eventually 5 different firey balls of light. They seemed to move independently, and moved in different directions and different speeds. They were also different sizes which I guess was to do with distance, some must have started to come closer as they were getting bigger, some getting smaller and dimmer. Over time they seemed to go out of visable range, getting smaller/dimmer before dispearing into the horizon, or shooting up into the sky. A few minutes later there seemed to be 3 more launch off from the ground into the sky, these were in formation.
Eventually they all disappeared, but over the course of the next 20mins, more were seen, to be moving around the sky. My guess is they would be over the Clipstone or Ollerton region of Nottinghamshire, England.
I have a few blurry photos, and a movie, but as there from my mobile phone there not great.... but they do show 2/3 orange firey balls launching off into the sky...
We walked home about 20 minutes later, and the sky seemed to have 3 or 4 low flying jet type aircraft, possibly military in nature. This is unusual as we are not in any normal aeroplane flight path. Also as we walked home my sister called me saying she saw another going across the horizon.
This is not the 1st time I have seen weird firey orange lights in the sky moving at high speeds with sudden direction changes... I saw one quite close back in Nov 2007... This time though, the fiery balls were witnessed by 5 different people including adults and a child.
10 other sightings of the same objects all over England were also witnessed, accounts of these are on
Posted 2010-06-03
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