NUFORC UFO Sighting 75036
Occurred: 2010-04-10 05:15 LocalReported: 2010-04-15 08:31 Pacific
Duration: second
No of observers: 2
Location: Mashantucket, CT, USA
Shape: Cross
Characteristics: Lights on object
A white and size of a small lam UFO crossed me on CT high way
We were driving back from foxwoods to boston at about 5Am and as soon as we got on 395 just past the first exit, a bright (white) object shaped like a bird but a size of a small lam cross the highway about 5 feet of my windsheld.
I reacted quicly and step on the break so I don hit it. Me and my friend was in shack mode for a few minuets. We turn arround to see where it went and there was nothing. What ever we saw had wings and head. It was very dark and when the object cross me it lighted up my entier dashboard and the front hood for a brife second.
We did not have any drink or drug. We drank coffee at night so we stay awake to play the casino This was real. I will never go back there again as I am afraid that could be a warning from an angile.
Posted 2010-05-12
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