NUFORC UFO Sighting 73490

Occurred: 1981-10-15 09:00 Local
Reported: 2009-11-27 13:27 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Apache Lake, AZ, USA

Shape: Egg
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Colo

UFO sighting Apache Lake in 1981during broad daylight hours.

At present time I have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and would like to report my sighting before I depart this life.

At listed date and time ((TC)), ((MC)) and I were fishing, camping and hunting quail at Apache Lake, Arizona. We were the only ones on the lake.

On a Thursday morning in October, 1981, we decided to go home two days early on our week vacation. We were camped at a location across from the boat ramp. When we left our camp, we noticed how calm the lake was and that we were the only ones there.

On the boat ramp, we saw something moving through the water and thought it was a beaver, however, when we pulled alongside it, it was a mule deer doe swimming across the lake towards where we were camping. We thought that this was unusual as they run in herds and not singly as white tail deer.

((TC)) and ((MC)) wanted to drown the deer and take it home and butcher it for meat and I refused to let them do it because I was the boss at the time. It would have been easier for the mule deer to walk around the lake by the ramp rather than to swim across the lake.

After we loaded the boat, we drove south from the lake to the first hairpin corner. As we turned, ((TC)) slammed on his brakes and jack knifed the boat to where we could not leave. Hovering above the small box canyon on the sunny side, was a large shaped object as big as a football field from end zone to end zone.

It was shiny like crumpled up aluminum foil and as it changed colors from the sparkling of the sun, we noticed it was vibrating and making no sound. At this time we knew it was somehow mechanically operating.

((TC)) asked me to get out and walk up to it but I refused because I was in fear of my life and told him to do it. He pulled out a 12 inch barrel 357 magnum and wanted to shoot at it, ((MC)) and I told him to put it away. We were frightened and felt that we were being watched by the UFO.

We rolled up the windows and locked the doors and watched it in astonishment to afraid to do anything. We watched it for about 10 minutes like it was a Mexican standoff. Trying to figure out how to leave without driving under it.

Just as we decided to back up and break the hitch on the boat, it took off faster than the eye could see. It went straight up and you could see the curvature of the earth as it went straight up because it left a shiny image behind. It actually left so fast you could see the shining image behind it.

We made a pact together not to say a word to anyone because they would just say we were drunk and we had not drank anything that morning except coffee.

As a police officer I faced many conflicts were I could have been shot or stabbed and still was not as afraid as I was of the flying object seen at Apache Lake. As a police office, you learn fight or flight, however, I was scared to the point that I could not hardly move, talk and felt like vomiting. I am willing to take any type of lie detection test to verify the truth of our sighting. As a police officer, I have taken many lie detector tests and have never failed.

I wanted to report this to someone before my disease takes my life because, of all the nay sayers and scientists saying people who see unknown flying objects are crazy. It’s hard to deny when you see one in broad day light.

I know what machines are because I served in the Navy as an engineman and was a driller on one of the largest drilling rigs in the world. I also have been a avid bow hunter and fisherman since I was about 10 years old. I am now ready to turn 54 and have countless hours in the hills hunting and fishing from northern Idaho and Montana to southern New Mexico and Arizona. It has cost me two almost three.

Posted 2009-12-12

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