NUFORC UFO Sighting 73247
Occurred: 2008-06-16 08:25 LocalReported: 2009-11-11 11:23 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Scott City/Chaffe (on Hwy. M), MO, USA
Shape: Disk
I'm not sure if what I saw was a U.F.O. or not,hence the reason I'm contacting you. I was driving to work on Hwy. M Monday when I noticed something in the sky @ approximately 8:25 a.m. At first I thought it was a large bird, but I quickly realized it was some type of aircraft. It was flying much lower than an airplane. I'm not good with measurements, so I can't tell you how high it was flying, but it was close. It was disc-shaped and white or silver in color. There was no smoke trail or noise. It appeared to glide very smoothly at a medium pace. I viewed it for approximately 15 seconds, then looked away at the road. When I looked back up, I could no longer locate it. It was fairly cloudy that morning. I don't know if it disappeared behind the clouds or what, but it was gone. There is little traffic on that highway in the morning. There are a few houses scattered along the road. I would love to know if anyone else saw it.
Witness did not contact police or other UFO organization. No photos. Witness wished to remain anonymous.
We express our sincere gratitude to the MISSOURI INVESTIGATORS GROUP, and to its Director, BARBARA BECKER, for their having shared this report with our Center. If you have had a sighting in Missouri, please consider contacting that organization, at the website above, to share your sighting with their investigators, in addition to submitting a report to NUFORC. Thank you!! PD
Posted 2009-12-12
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