NUFORC UFO Sighting 72045

Occurred: 2009-09-03 00:56 Local
Reported: 2009-09-02 22:50 Pacific
Duration: less than 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Radford, VA, USA

Shape: Flash

A brilliant flash of light from the NW sky in East Radford, VA, USA at 00:56 on 09.03.09.

I was walking up to my car from leaving my girlfriend's house in the East Radford area in Radford, VA, and I thought something caught my eye. I looked above me in the direction of NW and witnessed a brilliant flash of light in the sky. The thing that struck me odd about it was that there was nothing overhead in that area (no hill, building, lights, ect), and the flash seemed somewhat concentrated in that it didn't seem to spread out far across the sky to my sides or behind to my knowledge. I will note that no alcohol had been consumed that night, and I do not ever partake of any drugs. There was some rattling of metal type noises in the distance directly after this flash, but I think that would more likely be attributed to nearby apts or college students out late at night in my opinion. I didn't think too much of this until I got a text from my girlfriend who was in bed and was worried when her window facing NW got bright and she thought someone might be out! side or something. Her apartment was a good 100 meters to the East of where I was standing when I saw the flash from the NW. I figured I should at least look into it by filling out a report. I will note that I didn't see anything I would describe as a "craft" or "object". All I witnessed was a brilliant flash of light in the sky that reason couldn't explain. I was wondering if there were any types of solar events or something else natural that could explain this sight.

Posted 2009-12-12

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