NUFORC UFO Sighting 67841

Occurred: 2009-01-01 00:00 Local
Reported: 2009-01-04 10:26 Pacific
Duration: 20 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Bandar Seri Begawan, , Brunei

Shape: Unknown

Object captured in camera on new year eve fireworks photography assignment for the press agency

I was going for my photo assignment during the new year eve, heading towards a resort hotel to cover the fireworks display. I position myself at a Tungku Beach facing the hotel from far so that I can frame the fireworks and the hotel all in one frame. When I was there and the fireworks exploded and I started firing shots with my camera using a cable release connected to my Canon EOS 5D digital camera + Canon 70-200MM F2.8 IS (L) lens and a Manfrotto tripod stand. The firework started exactly 12.00AM (+0800GMT) at The Empire Hotel and Country Club and lasted for about 20-30 minutes. Without checking my LCD screen on my camera as most of the shots were burst frames, I left the area. When i was processing the RAW images captured from the camera I realise there was one shot which had something appearing on the left side of the screen so I zoomed in to see what it was. I was shocked! In the image, the object seemed to be hovering above the water and it looks as if it's not too far away from us. Strangely...the object wasn't being seen with my naked eye when I was there. Thousands of people gathered around the same area to view the fireworks. If i were to see it , probably the others would have saw it too however it wasn't visible as it was quite dark from our view. My eye were also drawn towards the fireworks and the hotel so I didn't notice it as it seems like the object positioned itself at a darker area (can be seen in the photo using long exposure to capture the ambient).

The news had made frontpage in our local news paper.



Aircraft, we believe. We have examined the photo, and we are quite certain that the anomalous object was an aircraft with strobe lights. We have seen MANY such photos. PD

Posted 2009-01-10

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