NUFORC UFO Sighting 65037

Occurred: 2008-07-31 23:15 Local
Reported: 2008-08-05 14:27 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: None (Voyageurs national Park), MN, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Intense light seen in Northern Minnesota's back country skies.

Myself and two of my friends were camping in Voyageurs National Park in Northern Minnesota for a couple nights of camping and fishing. We were camping on an island just a few hundred yards from the Canadian border and were enjoying a campfire on Thursday night the 31st. It was so clear out and the stars were so bright we decided to walk out to the point and star gaze for awhile. As we're standing there just looking at the stars one of my frineds points out a satellite moving across the sky. We all look at it and confirm to each other that, yes, it's a satellite. No blinking lights, just a solid white light in the sky that looked like a moving star, like most satellites look from earth. Within a couple seconds the "satellite" zooms incredibly close and an incredibly bright light shines down. I wouldn't necessarily call it a "beam" of light, just this intense bright white light. It shown on us for maybe two-three seconds and then turned off and as soon as it turned off it looked like the tiny little light of a satellite again, but moving much faster and within a few seconds was out of sight. There was not a sound at all and never saw it's shape or anything, just the light. My friend said he didn't think it zoomed down to us, but rather just became this intense light. I, on the other hand, felt that it came down close because it wasn't a super intense little spec of light, it was close enough that the light appeared to be a foot or two across. So distance is still a little hard to describe and me and my friends all have different thoughts on how close it was. Whatever this was it moved across the sky from the US into Canada. As soon as this all happened we looked at each other and started laughing because these things don't happen to us. This only happens in the movies kind of thing. One of my friends immediately says, "there's many explanations for what we just saw." But he couldn't come up with one single explanation and agreed that what we saw was very strange and defini! tely uni dentified.

I am a 31 year old College Grad., and work as a Purchasing manager for a lumber company. I have never seen anything like this before in my life, nor either of my friends. We all agreed to not tell anyone about this because who's going to believe us, right? Off course we had to tell somebody, so we ended up telling our frineds and family and off course almost every one of them asked what we were smoking that night. I guess that's the response we thought we'd get.

Posted 2008-08-12

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