NUFORC UFO Sighting 64765
Occurred: 2000-02-15 23:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-07-25 07:47 Pacific
Duration: several minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Hubbard, OR, USA
Shape: Rectangle
Rectangular, enormous (football field size?), black and silent Hubbard, Oregon 2000
I was living in the country for a short time in 2000 in Hubbard, Oregon. It is very dark out in the country as there are no street lights. I was out on the porch, standing on the top step, the sky was very dark that night, and I was smoking a cigarette and talking to someone on the phone. For whatever reason I looked up and saw this enourmous, silent object moving slowly over the house heading north. The object was jet black and never seemed to just kept coming and coming over the porch. I could make out that it was rectangular in shape,flat,solid, silent and black, like a parking lot in the sky. It was so enormous that I could not tell if it was 20 feet above the house or 200 feet or even more. I was in such awe that it didn't occur to me to be scared. I was describing it to the person I was on the phone with but they were saying that it had to be some large military plane or something, but I know it wasn't. It's not the type of thing you run around telling people about because I couldn't even get the person on the phone to believe me as it was happening. I saw what I saw and there is no explanation other than it being a ufo. It slowly made it's way north, over farm land and other homes toward hwy. 99E at the town of the town of Canby.
Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-08-12
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