NUFORC UFO Sighting 64637

Occurred: 2008-07-16 04:00 Local
Reported: 2008-07-18 17:12 Pacific
Duration: 7 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw a Bird Shaped UFO flying towards Dallas, no noise

I went outside, July 16, 4am in the morning, to let my dogs out, and happened to look up and saw a somewhat bird shaped ufo flying away from me, southeast towards Dallas. It was making absolutely no noise and looked like it was about the size of a medium sized aircraft. The aircraft had white markings on it and was dark looking, or else it was clear and I was seeing through it....It had only two lights on the back of the aircraft, and when it sensed me looking at it, it flew upwards into the clouds and dissappeared. I hesitated to file this report as I have filed one earlier in the year.....I have also noticed small "V" formations in the sky, at times, up at around 500 feet, that have lights on them (3 or 4). Sometimes they move but most of the times they stay still....When I do happen to see them, I always see two and have seen them on two or three occassions, all in the middle of the night.

Posted 2008-08-12

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