NUFORC UFO Sighting 64362
Occurred: 1996-07-04 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-07-06 16:18 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2
Location: Wilmington, NC, USA
Shape: Triangle
This event took place on Wrightsville Beach which is a barrier island near Wilmington, NC. My wife and I were stargazing on a beautiful clear night when we spotted a red triangle flying almost straight above us, running silently and parallel to the shoreline. It was softly and evenly glowing red all over and it was about the shape of a classic paper airplane, longer than it was wide. It would have been about as long as your pinky nail is wide held at arms length. It might have been at 15 thousand feet above us-only a rough guess and it seemed to be going about 300 miles per hour. We watched it fly smoothly out of sight in maybe 40 seconds.
I was shocked and fascinated to see something so strange but my wife thought it was just some kind of military plane. At that time I believed there could not be such things as ET craft, decided she must be right about it being a plane and mostly forgot about it. I always felt that was quite an under reaction on her part. I trust my own judgment now and I just wanted to share my sighting with other people in the hope they will come forward to tell their stories.
Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-08-12
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