NUFORC UFO Sighting 63540

Occurred: 1964-06-10 16:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-05-25 23:08 Pacific
Duration: 20 -30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Mantova (Italy), , Italy

Shape: Disk

Ufo over an Italian city in the '60

This event took place in the first half of the '60. I was a kid, it deeply scared me causing me severe sleeping problems. I reported it to my parents ONLY.

It was a sunny summer day in the Italian town where I was rised, and I was playng ball in my grandparents garden, when I saw whith the corner of my eyes somthing big flyng. I raised my eyes and I got stunned : a discus shaped object was flyng with no audible sounds or lights. Attached under it had 3 tanks-alike things, and the top was shaped as a tower with round things like windows or lights ( NOT lighting ). The object flyed slowly, not shaking and had a path. It disappeared behind a nerby house.

I immeditly reconnised the object as an extraterrestial flyng sourcer as the Italian press called them: At that time the word UFO was NOT in use. They was called invaders and abducers, so I was terryfied since I tought they saw me.

I know the object was seen by other in town and photographed in the local paper, with no description. I never more saw anything like that or other UFO's.


Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2008-06-12

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