NUFORC UFO Sighting 60226
Occurred: 2001-04-18 23:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 2007-12-07 12:18 Pacific
Duration: 5 mintues
No of observers: 2
Location: McLouth, KS, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
UFO on rock road
One late night when I was about 15, I was riding in the car with my mother. We lived by a small lake out in the country in which there were only narrow rocked roads. We had just topped a large hill when we instantaneously spotted a large round lighted object in the middle of the road. The object was much wider than the road, about the size of a house and was immediately recognized as something that shouldn't be there. My mother had slammed on her brakes coming to a skidding stop. We both we very nervous about this finding, just then more lights appeared and it seemed to start rotating. Now stricken with fear and apprehension we were both cussing about it being a UFO and getting the beep out of there. She slammed the car into reverse and almost crashed into the ditch. All I could do was stare with wide open eyes as I clinged onto the dash for dear life. Just as we were about to peak the hill backwards, the terrifying UFO had started to become more clear. It was a semi truck with trailer jacknifed in the road! Dear UFO Reader in the mix of what you probably read every day I just thought you would enjoy this story. I have found that things may not always be what they appear even when they are only a about 100 yards away, let alone thousands.
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-03-04
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