NUFORC UFO Sighting 60224
Occurred: 2007-12-06 19:55 LocalReported: 2007-12-07 08:22 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: West Warwick, RI, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Me and my father's girlfriend were walking back form the store when what we seen what we thought was an airplane flying extrmely close to the gorund but it was to big to be an airplane. It was lit up all around in green flashing lights and one huge yellow light in the middle of it. It took of extremely fast followed by another aircraft that looked exactly like it following this unidentifed flying object. It was extrmely insane because they were both so huge and neither of them made a noise. They were traveling extremely fast and went pretty far but the lights were so bright we could still see them. They then shot into the air and the yellow light that wa sin the middle of it got tinier and tinier until it dissapered.
Posted 2008-03-04
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