NUFORC UFO Sighting 60201
Occurred: 2007-12-03 17:30 LocalReported: 2007-12-05 11:42 Pacific
Duration: ~ 4 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: El Valle, NM, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Bright spherical object turning from white/yellow/orange/red moving NE across sky - just disappeared.
In compliance with your policy, I will not identify myself by name.
I am a resident of New Mexico and work as a ((deleted--highly trained specialist)) at the Los Alamos ((deleted--highly technical laboratory)) facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, NM.
Two nights ago (12/03/07) ~ 7:30 pm, my son, was outside our home in El Valle, NM (up in the Sangre de Cristos Mountains due east of Los Alamos. He looked southward and saw what he thought was Jupiter. He turned away and ½ a minute later looked back in the same direction and the object has moved...not rapidly, but steadily.
He called my wife from inside the house and they both watched the object as it progressed from the region where Jupiter is NE towards constellation Perseus.
As the object progressed in total silence, its appearance/signature progressed through the color spectrum from brilliant white to yellow/orange/and then "military red" (son’s description).
As it reached the NE quadrant of the sky, it merely winked out and disappeared.
Both my wife and son were convinced that the object was local and low (less than 10,000’ in elevation) rather than a deep space object.
Weather was absolutely clear and cloudless.
My friend suggested that I contribute a report of this sighting to your website
Posted 2008-03-04
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