NUFORC UFO Sighting 60190
Occurred: 2007-11-14 17:30 LocalReported: 2007-12-04 20:49 Pacific
Duration: Seconds
No of observers: 0
Location: Gulfport, MS, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Emitted beams
Bright Green Ball Falls From Sky (and other sightings)
I have been thinking of writing here for a long time now.. But just haven’t had the guts to put it into writing I guess lol.. But I guess since no one knows who I am.. I will contribute!! On my birthday, November 14, 2007.. I left work at 5pm. It was a really foggy night. I drove down Hwy 49 towards the beach in Gulfport and about 5 or 6 blocks from the beach, I saw a large green "fireball" shoot down from the sky and behind the Hancock Bank building - out of sight.
I know I wasn’t the only one to see this. It took my breath for a second and I looked around after it was out of sight and noticed that all of the cars around me had kind of hit their brakes as I did and slowed down a little.
This only lasted a couple of seconds and like I said, it was pretty foggy, but I could see it clearly. The fog just made the green glow around it brighter.
Tonight, December 4, 2007, my daughter just tells me that on her way home to Vancleave, she saw the same thing.
She said she and her boyfriend were driving home on O’neal road in Vancleave and they both saw what she described as "like a shooting star," but bright green.. And "way too big to be a shooting star."She said it fell straight down and sort of just disappeared.
I don’t know what it was, or have any kind of explanation for it, but it was amazing! I saw the same thing once before when we lived in Vancleave off of Jim Ramsey Rd. My daughter’s friend and I were so amazed at some lights that we saw in the sky (blinking red, green, yellow.. And moving in ways that normal aircraft don’t move) that we actually, at the risk of looking crazy, got lawn chairs and sat in the front yard and watched for hours. While we were out there, this bright green “fireball” shot down out of the sky and into the empty lot across the street and just seemed to disappear somewhere between ground level and tree level. We both grabbed onto each other and it just took our breath away! We looked at each other in disbelief.. Just like “did you see that too?” Needless to say, we didn’t sit out there very much longer.. We were both scared to death! There were other things there at that house as well.. A light shining straight down (like a search light from a helicopter is the only way I could describe it) onto the middle of my street. Dogs were barking out of control as well. I saw this outside of my kitchen window. There were street lights there, but they went off when the light shone down on the street (like when your headlights hit the street lights and they go off sometimes). It moved around a little almost like it was looking for something. If it had been a helicopter.. THAT close to the ground.. There WOULD HAVE BEEN NOISE!! I was in shock.. And called to my daughter who was on the phone. She took one look and told her friend on the phone that it was the “creepiest thing she had EVER SEEN” and said she couldn’t look anymore! And another night, I was sleeping and my daughter and a different friend walked outside and explained seeing something else odd.. My daughter said “have you ever seen a plane with so many lights?” and her friend responded, “have you ever seen a plane with so many lights flying so close to the ground?” and they both kind of got scared and took off for the front door. They said that by the time they reached the front door, the “thing” was directly over the house.. Moving quickly.. And not making a sound!! I have also read some of the other sightings in the area and can say that for quite some time, I have been seeing these “things” in the sky.. Distant, but not STAR distant. And they always have the same signature “yellow, green and red lights” flashing.
Sometimes they are in the same place, but other nights they have moved to different locations. I can usually see them outside of my house if I go out and look. A few nights ago, I watched one for about 30 minutes and then all of a sudden, it started to move like an airplane would.. Moved across the sky at a pretty fast speed, but no sound. And I can always hear the normal airplanes at even further distances here. And these things DO NOT MOVE LIKE REGULAR AIRCRAFT!!! Every time I see anything strange, I call whoever I can get to come and look.. I told them I didn’t want them to think I was “crazy” haha And every time, they see exactly what I see.. My daughter and my son, daughter’s boyfriend, my mother and my sister. Even an ex boyfriend whose dad is a pilot.. And he said he has seen strange things as well.
So.. Whatever they are.. I can just hope that one of these days I will KNOW for SURE!! And we are the typical family. I am a single mother of 2 teenagers.. I am an administrative assistant and my kids are good kids who make good grades in school. As a matter of fact, I told them it might be better to keep it in the immediate family so as not to seem “crazy” to people who have never experienced these kinds of things. =P Hopefully, in my lifetime, this can all be explained to me better than “flares” or “weather balloons” or “satellites”.
~ Curious in Mississippi
Posted 2008-03-04
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