NUFORC UFO Sighting 60172
Occurred: 2007-12-04 19:43 LocalReported: 2007-12-04 07:38 Pacific
Duration: ?
No of observers: 0
Location: Longwood/Lake Mary, FL, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Left a trail
Disk on Film, Shot in Lake Mary Florida
I went out to shoot pictures of the Christmas Lights in the neighborhood, Did not see with my eyes at all, but when I got home I moved the pictures to a folder. This morning looking to see what I had shot I came across the 2nd to the last photo had a strange object on it. I zoomed in and discover it looked like a disk. I know how to set my camera up visually and still had the setting stored from last night. Iam E-mailing the photo Th settings on the camera are as follows Canon Powershot A520 Manual mode, shooting with a tripod. ISO 100, no Flash, 8" F4.0 Looks like a scratch, other photos show nothing. so not my lens.
Posted 2008-03-04
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