NUFORC UFO Sighting 60169

Occurred: 2007-12-03 14:00 Local
Reported: 2007-12-03 22:37 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Tahlequah, OK, USA

Shape: Circle

Four silver "dots" flying perfectly in synch with one another over Oklahoma.

Let me begin by saying I am a very skeptical person. I've never believe in "aliens" or anything like that. However, I did see something in the sky this afternoon, which was unlike anything I've ever seen before.

I was putting Christmas lights up on my house today at around 2pm. I was on my ladder facing east when I noticed four silver dots in the sky. Initially I believed they were birds, as they were flying in an arrow type shape headed in a southerly direction. After about 20 seconds they doubled back and began to weave in different directions. They went up, down, sideways, made circles. This went on for about 1 minute, then they began to head south again, still weaving and bobbing. I have an American flag flying on a pole in front of my house, as the objects began to fly south again the flag obstructed my view. I jumped off my ladder and went around to get a better view, however they began to fly toward the sunlight and I lost them in the glare.

The strangdst part about this is that they stayed completely in synch with each other the entire time. When the first dot would bob and weave the others followed the EXACT path. They were all the same size, shape, and color. It reminded me of a ribbon on a stick. When you shake the stick and move the ribbon in the air, it follows the same path, it was very strange how these did the same thing. It was one of the strangest moments of my life.

Posted 2008-03-04

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