NUFORC UFO Sighting 60153

Occurred: 2007-12-01 00:15 Local
Reported: 2007-12-02 21:33 Pacific
Duration: not sure
No of observers: 1

Location: Stateline/Minden, NV, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Unusually bright light in sky, moving erratically.

I stepped outside on my balcony for a cigarette.

As I was standing outside, i noticed an unusually bright object in the sky. I do not smoke in my house, so i'm outdoors quite a bit, and have gotten to know the sky very well. This object was clearly out of place. As I looked closer - it appeard there was a tiny bright sphere, several times brighter then any star on the sky - and just off to the right of it, a smaller point of light, similar to the average star. The object appeared to be hovering extremely high over the carson valley.

I did not think anything of this at first, but then i noticed what appeared to be a halo around the bright object. As i stood there for roughly 10 minutes or so - the object began to move upwards in the sky, as if to a higher elevation. It also began moving from side to side. I have never seen any aircraft move in any manner such as this, and certainly not one so high up. It seemed able to move in any direction at any time, regardless of current velocity.

I went back into my house, and peeked out the window from time to time - and it was still there before i went to bed around 1:00am. Every time i looked, it appeared to be in a different area, but with no obvious pattern , or with any obvious progression in one direction.

I have seen odd things like this in the past, but something about this was just different. The way this object moved and behaved is unlike anything i've seen before.

Posted 2008-03-04

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