NUFORC UFO Sighting 60126
Occurred: 2007-06-15 14:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2007-12-01 18:22 Pacific
No of observers: 2
Location: Mountain, WI, USA
Shape: Disk
crazy flying things!
there was a tornado that had gone through my dads girlfriends back yard,her house sits on a hill so her back yard is at the bottem of the hill its almost like a huge creek that runs through it with a pond. but after the tornado there was no water left. a couple of days later i came over there to help my dad clean up the mess. i had just gotten there and started to help cut some of the fallen trees, soon the neighbors had come over and started to ask us if we could help them place there camper on there land. they had there backs truned to the back yard and we were facing them looking towards the back yard. all of a sudden i saw this small bright metal disk flying in the sky but not that high it was lower, so it was just above the hill. then like 2 seconds later another one came, then a few more seconds later they came back crossed over each other and were was almost as if it was looking around to see what happend or something. i couldnt believe what i had seen so i didnt say ne thing but i looked at my dad and he was looking at me like he had seen it too. we didnt say nething while the neighbors were there becasue we didnt even believe it ourselves and im sure if we would have said something they would have thought we were crazy. but once we had gotten inside we both told each other what we had seen i was very freaked out and i still am.
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-03-04
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