NUFORC UFO Sighting 58915
Occurred: 2007-09-23 01:00 LocalReported: 2007-09-24 12:56 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Fort Erie (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object
Chevron/V shaped Aircraft/Silent with about 7 bright white belly lights Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Very early last Sunday morning in Fort Erie, Ontario across the River from Buffalo NY(Sept 23/07 ~1:00 am or so). I was outside around a fire with my Niece and Nephew. The sky was clear, weather nice. I looked to the sky and seen a triangular shaped UFO/Aircraft at about 2500-3000 feet up flying low speed. It's belly was lit up with approx 7 white lights (in a V shape) and it was virtually silent (it was very silent). It's direction was north I believe, following the Niagara River towards Niagara Falls (30 Km away). Our sighting was with 3 people and I would say it was 2-3 minutes duration as it disappeared into the night and tree line. This is the 3rd time in 1 month I have seen it. I visit my friend regularily who lives in Ft Erie, he has seen it with me a few weeks back. It was an awsome sight to see and next time I WILL have my camera on hand to video it. It is as if I can set my watch to this 'thing'. I also know it can be seen from Buffalo, but do believe it was in Canadian airspace the three times I seen it.
My take on this mystery Aircraft/UFO is this. I believe it to be a B2 Spirit Bomber patroling the border, I may be wrong though. I am a true believer in UFO's and an Aircraft buff, but to the untrained eye... this is one very freaky sight and confuse/scare someone by it's appearance. It is ghostly in nature and it blends into the night sky perfectly. Added all that with it's silence and I am sure it is a B2 Stealth. Anyone reading this who is in either Buffalo NY or Fort Erie Ontario areas, I urge to set out with your video camera at about 10 at night to be sure you catch it. Keep a watch west into Lake Erie. The wait is worth your time. I only assume this Aircraft is flying easterly over Lake Erie then onto Lake Ontario. Our area here is big time internation border with numerous bridges crossing into the USA and I am certain it is a secret border patrol tool. Very intimidating! Comments and questions can be directed through this site.
Thanks! ((name deleted)) PS: Please contact me with other area sightings. BTW I have not seen it from Niagara Falls. I would like to speak to Mr.Davenport if possible, email is fine too.
Posted 2007-10-08
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